
A close up of a ferret's face
Cruel Experiments on Ferrets at VCU
Miranda Eisen, July 17, 2020
Once again, ferrets are being used in cruel experiments as means to an ineffectual end. You can take action to help stop this from happening further at VCU.
A beagle runs happily through a green field
Breaking: Animals in Labs Get a Chance at Adoption
Frances Chrzan, July 14, 2020
Now over 1 million animals in NIH-funded research will get post-research adoption consideration.
A rhesus macaque peers through the metal wiring of a cage
Let's End the Suffering at Southern Research Institute
Frances Chrzan, July 14, 2020
Records uncovered by NEAVS show immense suffering at Southern Research Institute.
The hand of a rhesus macaque clings to metal caging, his face blurred out of focus behind
Lawsuit Against the USDA for Better Treatment of Primates
The Rise for Animals Team, July 9, 2020
On behalf of both NEAVS and the Animal Legal Defense Fund, Harvard Law School’s Animal Law & Policy Clinic filed a lawsuit against the United States Department of Agricul
A close-up of a monkey's sad, downturned eyes
37 Years as a Test Subject
Casey Webster, July 6, 2020
Tell Georgia State University to Release Hank the Monkey to Sanctuary
Amy Meyer, holding a sign
Reflection From the Grassroots
Amy Meyer, July 2, 2020
There’s an uncomfortable truth about grassroots activism: this work can put us in danger.
Water—cool and blue—sloshes and splashes
Animals in Labs Are Being Denied Water
Lindsay Oliver, June 30, 2020
A former animal care technician gives her firsthand account of witnessing the cruel practice of "water restriction."
A small, brown vole cowers
Exposed: Violent Science at University of Kansas
Mike Ryan, June 26, 2020
The University of Kansas forces animals to fight—and calls it animal testing.
The face of a baby monkey peers between metal cage bars
Take Action to Protect Baby Monkeys
Christie Hendrickson, June 24, 2020
As a lover of animals, a parent, and a human being, I am heartbroken—and outraged—after reading about an experiment on baby monkeys at Emory University.