The clock is ticking for President Biden to find a new leader of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Current NIH Director, Francis Collins, has announced his retirement by the end of the year, creating an unusual vacancy in one of the most important roles overseeing animals used in experiments nationally.
The NIH is the agency of the US government responsible for biomedical and public health research, including manifold experiments on unconsenting, vulnerable animals every single year. With a budget of $42 billion dollars—your tax dollars!—last year alone, countless animals have been subjected to unspeakable cruelty in labs without even finding cures. These pointless, wasteful, barbaric experiments must stop now.
Animal experiments are inherently cruel, yes—but they’re also unnecessary, expensive, and ineffective.
Over 95% of drugs that are tested successfully on animals end up failing in human clinical trials. That’s because the biology of a mouse, cat, dog, or monkey will never match the biology of a human. Our tax dollars should be funneled into worthwhile modern research that is human-relevant, effective, and respectful of every animal’s life. The next appointed director of the NIH can help steer the agency towards this brighter future—but only if we act now.
Scientists can find cures for everyone at the expense of no-one. That’s why we need to rise up together immediately, our voices loud and unified. It’s time to urge President Biden to nominate a new NIH Director who will save lives by championing better science for all, human and non-human.
Speak up for animals NOW.
Please take this important, rare opportunity to raise your voice in defense of animals in labs across the entire United States. Tell President Biden to choose better science at the NIH before it’s too late.