Act News Articles

Cats Given COVID-19 and Left to Suffer at University
Frances Chrzan, June 11, 2021
The University of Wisconsin-Madison infected cats with the deadly virus, then watched as the cats suffered.
UC Davis Negligence Results in Infant Monkey Death (Again)
Amy Meyer, June 1, 2021
At this point, it’s hard to keep up with how many monkeys UC Davis has killed.
Urgent: Californians, Dogs and Cats Need You Now!
Frances Chrzan, June 1, 2021
CA residents, save dogs and cats from experiments now. Please contact your Senator and urge them to support S.B. 252.
Petco Misleads Customers About Connection to Animal Cruelty
Amy Meyer, May 27, 2021
Feeling pressure from grassroots activists across the country, Petco tried to distance themselves from Marshall BioResources. Here’s how we called them out.
Federal Lab Kills Cage Full of Monkeys, Fails to Report It
Frances Chrzan, May 27, 2021
Federal lab kills an entire cage full of monkeys, then fails to report it. You can ensure they are reprimanded.
University of Washington Wants to Hide Monkey Suffering
Frances Chrzan, May 11, 2021
A captive monkey escaped her cage, was harmed, and lost her arm. They're trying to hide the evidence of their incompetent animal care staff—but we won’t let them.
USDA Caught Breaking the Law to Hide Animal Torture
Rise for Animals Team, May 6, 2021
Documents secured by Rise for Animals show the agency’s calculated plan to break federal law.
Two Months with Indy
Michelle Lanzarone (Guest Author), April 24, 2021
For the first time, Indy the beagle felt loving arms and grass beneath his feet after six years of being caged and experimented upon.
Meet Activists Working to Save Monkeys in ASU’s Labs
The Rise for Animals Team, April 22, 2021
Andrea Vee and Chandra Fuller, activists in the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere—Phoenix, are committed to ending the use of animals in the university’s lab.