Investigate News Articles

What the Government Shutdown Means for Animals in Labs
Mike Ryan, January 4, 2019
USDA inspectors of labs aren’t conducting critical oversight.
Mental Trauma and Laboratory Animals
Nathan Herschler, January 3, 2019
The suffering experienced by animals in labs is not limited to physical trauma.
Unnecessary Suffering: Captive Primate Experiments
Mike Ryan, November 29, 2018
We've put together this overview of primate experiments.
Fewer Cats, Dogs, Rabbits Suffering in Experiments
Mike Ryan, November 21, 2018
The number of cats, dogs, and rabbits that suffer in medical experiments continues to decrease steadily.
What Happens to the Animals When Research Is Interrupted?
Nathan Herschler, November 15, 2018
Find out about the suffering experienced by animals trapped in labs when disasters strike.
Category E: The Darkest Corner of Animal Experimentation
Ed Butler, October 9, 2018
Putting animals in pain to get published is a core business practice for animal experimenters
Uncovering the Reality of Animal Use in "Toxic Testing"
The Rise for Animals Team, May 23, 2018
Our "Toxic Testing" report, a collaborative effort, exposes hundreds of cruel, wasteful and outdated tests performed on animals by the National Toxicity Program (NTP).
NEAVS Report: 115,000 Animals Killed in Government Tests
Nathan Herschler, May 17, 2018
NEAVS and White Coat Waste Project (WCW) released a new report exposing hundreds of cruel and outdated animal tests performed by the National Toxicity Program (NTP).
Good News: 5 Places Reducing the Dogs in Experimentation
Mike Ryan, January 9, 2018
All kinds of dogs, from beagles to golden retrievers, are used for experiments at almost 400 facilities in the U.S.