
Neuralink: *Just* a Regular Animal Lab
The Rise for Animals Team, December 6, 2023
Tragically and despicably, Neuralink is not actually novel in the animal research space.
Animal Research News Roundup: December 1, 2023
The Rise for Animals Team, December 1, 2023
Here are all this week's biggest stories in animal research in one convenient place.
Favoring the Death of Animals: Behind the FDA’s Veil
The Rise for Animals Team, November 30, 2023
Just like other facets of the U.S. government, the FDA is the animal research industry, which benefits from the status quo and will fight to protect it. 
Take Action: Reject Animal Research on Foreign Soil
The Rise for Animals Team, November 29, 2023
Support the CARGO Act, a federal bill positioned to reduce harm to animals and support more ethical science, while saving taxpayer dollars.
Turning the Page on Animal Research
The Rise for Animals Team, November 29, 2023
Every facet of the animal-industrial complex is controlled by corporate (and self) interests. And, medical journals are no exception.
These Thanksgiving Icons Are Victims of Research
The Rise for Animals Team, November 21, 2023
Researchers use turkeys with an aim of increasing the profitability of the animals' confinement, breeding, and slaughter for human consumption.
GivingTuesday: Help to Liberate Animals from Labs
The Rise for Animals Team, November 21, 2023
Transform your compassion into a tangible force for good this GivingTuesday.
Researchers’ Red Herring
The Rise for Animals Team, November 18, 2023
Fish are just as smart and complex as any land animal.
News Roundup: November 17, 2023
The Rise for Animals Team, November 17, 2023
Here are all this week's biggest stories in animal research in one convenient place.