
The Animal Welfare Act Has Nothing to Do With Animal Welfare
The Rise for Animals Team, March 28, 2024
The AWA does not ensure animal welfare and — by virtue of its deference to human interests — it never could have. 
We’re Suing the USDA. Twice.
The Rise for Animals Team, March 27, 2024
On our and the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s behalf, the Harvard Law & Policy Clinic is currently pursuing two important lawsuits against the U.S. government.
Animal Research News Roundup: March 22, 2024
The Rise for Animals Team, March 22, 2024
Here are all this week's biggest stories in animal research in one convenient place.
The Sordid Self-Policing of the Animal Research Industry
Rise for Animals, March 21, 2024
In this exposé, we lay bare how USDA, NIH, and AAALAC Int'l work in tandem to quietly self-police an entire animal-exploiting industry and protect its sordid interests.
Swallow, Inhale, Apply, Inject: The LD50 Test is Poison
The Rise for Animals Team, March 20, 2024
The LD50 test continues to be used even though scientists themselves admit that the test’s “relation to humans is only a guess”. 
Animal Research News Roundup: March 15, 2024
The Rise for Animals Team, March 15, 2024
Here are all this week's biggest stories in animal research in one convenient place.
They Breed Dogs for Experiments, But Don’t Want You to See
The Rise for Animals Team, March 14, 2024
Ridglan is just one of an unknown number of animal exploiting, commercial enterprises that commodify, harm, and kill millions upon millions of animals every year.
Animal Research News Roundup: March 8, 2024
The Rise for Animals Team, March 8, 2024
Here are all this week's biggest stories in animal research in one convenient place.
Researchers Want to Force Cows to Serve as Human Models
The Rise for Animals Team, March 5, 2024
Rather than changing their methods, animal researchers are fixated on changing (or, really, further diversifying) their victims.