
Calling All Animal Activists!
Amy Meyer, March 31, 2021
Join us on April 24, 2021, World Day for Animals in Labs, as we urge Petco to stop supporting cruelty to animals.
It’s Time to Stop Poisoning Dogs and Cats
Frances Chrzan, March 26, 2021
We support California Senator Weiner’s Bill S.B. 252
Exclusive: Nearly Half a Million Monkeys Imported to U.S.
The Rise for Animals Team, March 18, 2021
Never-before-seen figures expose nearly half a million nonhuman primates have been imported to the U.S. for biomedical research over the last 20 years.
A Badger Trapped Inside a Monkey Lab
Sam Issleb, March 12, 2021
Read about the experience of a former student animal caretaker at the University of Wisconsin’s Harlow Primate Lab and Wisconsin National Primate Research Center.
China Announces End to Animal Testing for Imported Cosmetics
The Rise for Animals Team, March 5, 2021
This change in regulation is an immeasurable victory for animals in labs.
Born to Die
The Rise for Animals Team, February 19, 2021
Some animals in labs have been bred to become victims in a class that may as well be called “HOW TO KILL 101.”
What Kind of Person Does THIS to a Helpless Animal?
The Rise for Animals Team, February 10, 2021
Our research team shares three findings about animal experimenters who know what they do is wrong—but do it anyway.
The small, furry hand of an infant monkey clutches a human finger
The Problem Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine
The Rise for Animals Team, February 5, 2021
Numbers from one of the of the country’s most notorious animal laboratories, OHSU, clue us into the immense scale of the overall animal experimentation industry.
A dog and cat snuggle together in a sunny room
Animals in Virginia Have a Chance at Post-Research Adoption
Frances Chrzan, February 4, 2021
Virginia is considering a post-research adoption bill for dogs and cats.