Act News Articles

Protecting Primates: The Fight is On
The Rise for Animals Team, June 28, 2023
NABR doesn’t want macaques protected in any way because this would make their enslavement and torture in research laboratories, they say, “more difficult”.
Oregonians: Help Animals in Labs in Under 30 Seconds! 
The Rise for Animals Team, June 18, 2023
Help Oregon become the 11th state to pass a ban on animal-tested cosmetics.
The Animal Research Industry is Endangering Entire Species
The Rise for Animals Team, May 19, 2023
Rise for Animals has signed onto two petitions asking that long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques receive protection from the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Join us now.
Look in a Lab: What’s Happening to Monkeys at UW?
The Rise for Animals Team, May 11, 2023
They drill through monkeys’ skulls and implant devices on their brains. They kill them, slice them apart, and sell off their body parts—like brains and eyes.
Look in a Lab: The University of Washington
The Rise for Animals Team, April 24, 2023
Today, World Day for Animals in Labs, see what we’ve uncovered at UW. Then, take one minute to take action.
What is Pound Seizure? Is It Legal in Your State?
The Rise for Animals Team, April 4, 2023
Companion animals in your state could be at risk. Find out if pound seizure is banned in your state and if it's not, take action now.
Stop Poisoning Animals
The Rise for Animals Team, March 23, 2023
Tell your Representatives that you want to protect all animals from poisoning. Support the Humane and Existing Alternatives in Research and Testing Sciences (HEART) Act!
Demand that California companies stop testing products on animals!
CA Residents: Demand That Companies Stop Testing on Animals
The Rise for Animals Team, March 14, 2023
California Residents: Please help support a bill that would strengthen the state's commitment to moving away from animal testing.
Maryland Residents: Animals Exploited in Labs Need Your Help
The Rise for Animals Team, March 6, 2023
We need your help to protect nonhumans exploited in Maryland laboratories.