Act News Articles

All the Ways You’re Helping Animals In Labs
The Rise for Animals Team, December 28, 2023
Your support saves animals’ lives and brings light into the dark animal research industry.
Unveiled: The Farmed Animals of the Research Industry
The Rise for Animals Team, December 13, 2023
In an often overlooked corner of the animal use industry, a quiet connection binds farmed animals to the disconcerting realities of agricultural and biomedical research.
Animal Researchers Are Tin Men: They Need HEARTS
The Rise for Animals Team, December 11, 2023
Urge your U.S. Representative to champion human-relevant research methods by supporting the HEARTS Act.
A Rare Peek In a Lab: Dogs. Languishing. Anguishing.
The Rise for Animals Team, December 7, 2023
Blue Ridge, an animal testing facility in Alabama, is just one of hundreds of facilities that are incarcerating animals and experimenting on their unconsenting bodies.
Take Action: Reject Animal Research on Foreign Soil
The Rise for Animals Team, November 29, 2023
Support the CARGO Act, a federal bill positioned to reduce harm to animals and support more ethical science, while saving taxpayer dollars.
GivingTuesday: Help to Liberate Animals from Labs
The Rise for Animals Team, November 21, 2023
Transform your compassion into a tangible force for good this GivingTuesday.
Protecting the Puppies of the Sea
The Rise for Animals Team, November 9, 2023
Cephalopods – or octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, and nautiluses – are sentient, “smart and sensitive” aquatic beings, who researchers themselves have likened to dogs. 
Marshall-ing Community Opposition to Animal Research
The Rise for Animals Team, October 26, 2023
Most people would join us in opposing Marshall’s exploitation of beagles, ferrets, and other animals if only they knew about it. That’s why we've partnered with ARRoc.
It’s Time to Make the Beauty Industry Cruelty-Free
The Rise for Animals Team, October 5, 2023
The Humane Cosmetics Act of 2023 (H.R. 5399), a bill aiming to “substantially restrict the use of animal testing for cosmetics”, was recently introduced to Congress.