
"Science Magazine" Covers NEAVS Finding
Mike Ryan, November 2, 2018
We crunched the numbers to discover that the use of primates for medical experiments has reached an all time-high. Science Magazine featured this problem.
Cat Adoption Offer Featured on “The Pet Show with Dr. Katy"
Mike Ryan, October 31, 2018
If you’re in the Washington, D.C. media market and you love animals, you’ve surely heard of Dr. Katy Nelson and her show “The Pet Show with Dr. Katy.”
Species Spotlight: The Rhesus Macaque
Mike Ryan, October 27, 2018
Over 70,000 non-human primates are right now subjected to experimentation. 65% of these primates are Rhesus Macaques.
The Long List of Alternatives to Primate Testing
Mike Ryan, October 25, 2018
The question “what methods can be used instead of animals?” is a great one, and there’s no one simple answer.
Partner Spotlight: Emma's Journey With Project Chimps
Ali Crumpacker, October 23, 2018
Emma has secrets she will never be able to share. She was born in a laboratory and placed on loan to another research facility at a young age.
Contradictory Trends
Mike Ryan, October 23, 2018
The number of primates suffering in testing is now at a record high. But so is the percentage of Americans opposing animal research.
Why You Should Know About the FACT Act
The Rise for Animals Team, October 17, 2018
95% of the animals used in research and testing are not covered by the Animal Welfare Act. The government is not required to report the number of these animals in labs.
10 Best and Worst Places for Primates in 2017
Mike Ryan, October 16, 2018
Thanks to Congress passing and continually improving the Animal Welfare Act, every year we get hard numbers on where primate abuse in medical experiments is most rampant.
Animals Stuck in Labs Deserve Disaster Preparedness
Nathan Herschler, October 10, 2018
When natural disasters hit, animals suffering in medical experiments often pay the price.