Think News Articles

Pigs, Organs, and the Lies They Want You to Believe
The Rise for Animals Team, June 11, 2024
Researchers are bent on continuing animal-to-human organ transplants despite the existence of more promising, ethically superior, and less risky options.
Kill-Traps Kill Animals: Thanks for the New “Research”, USDA
The Rise for Animals Team, June 5, 2024
Torture and killing is not only unethical — it is also indisputably not a “solution”.
Underwater Porcupines: Made-to-Order, -Vivisect, -Destroy
The Rise for Animals Team, June 3, 2024
Sea urchins appear to be the latest, in vogue victims of the animal research industry.
How to Make Drugs... and Free Animals! It’s Movie Time!
The Rise for Animals Team, May 16, 2024
A new movie looks to explore the ethics of using animals for human science.
“Mad” and “Ouch” Among the Words Animals in Labs Would Use?
The Rise for Animals Team, May 14, 2024
The question of whether animals can “talk” (and “reason”) has become a lucrative area of animal research.
Motherly Love: Universal, Unyielding, and Unequaled
The Rise for Animals Team, May 10, 2024
In celebrating moms, we are reflecting on the sacred and incomparable bonds that exist between all mothers and their children. 
IMW Part II: Help the “talkers, cage-rattlers, bar-bangers”
The Rise for Animals Team, May 9, 2024
Please join us to fight for justice for macaques (and all other animals), this important week . . . and every week thereafter.
Chickens Are Cooped Up in Labs. Please Help Us Free Them.
The Rise for Animals Team, May 3, 2024
Chickens, like all farmed animals, are among the most exploited and least protected beings on the planet, victimized by multiple facets of the animal industrial complex.
Stand with Us for Animal Rights, and So Much More
The Rise for Animals Team, April 24, 2024
It’s World Day for Animals in Labs (WDAIL)!