Think News Articles

My Darling Ferret Bred by Marshall and Sold by Petco
Frances Chrzan, May 5, 2021
Every one of the eight ferrets Frances has ever rescued was bred by Marshall and sold by Petco. This is a tribute to Finnick (July 15, 2015–May 1, 2021).
We Remember Mothers Tortured in Labs
Frances Chrzan, May 4, 2021
These are nine ways mothers suffer for experiments.
A Badger Trapped Inside a Monkey Lab
Sam Issleb, March 12, 2021
Read about the experience of a former student animal caretaker at the University of Wisconsin’s Harlow Primate Lab and Wisconsin National Primate Research Center.
What Kind of Person Does THIS to a Helpless Animal?
The Rise for Animals Team, February 10, 2021
Our research team shares three findings about animal experimenters who know what they do is wrong—but do it anyway.
A beagle looks on, tongue out
2021: Our Year to Save Animals
Nathan Herschler, Executive Director, January 19, 2021
Against all odds, we are emerging from 2020 knowing change is possible.
A white rabbit is displayed against a stylized green and yellow background
We are Rise for Animals
Nathan Herschler, September 23, 2020
We're launching a movement—and we’re incredibly thankful you are part of it.
Image of a young rhesus macaque, head turned over his shoulder
What Were Their Names?
Lindsay Oliver, September 1, 2020
Two monkeys were killed after being put in a cage washing machine at the Oregon National Primate Research Center.
The small, furry hand of an infant monkey clutches a human finger
Inside the Monkey Lab
Madeline Krasno, August 12, 2020
Madeline Krasno, a former student animal caretaker, shares her experience at the infamous Harlow Primate Lab.
A groundhog peeks his head over grass
Animals You Didn't Know are Suffering in Laboratories
Amy Meyer, August 4, 2020
You know that there are millions of animals suffering inside laboratories. But did you know about these less-often discussed species used in experiments?