Think News Articles

Pig-to-Human Heart Transplant is Science Gone Hog-Wild
The Rise for Animals Team, January 12, 2022
When it comes to life-saving organ transplants, the medical community already has proven human-based medical solutions. So why are scientists so focused on using animals?
New Ways to Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Leftovers
The Rise for Animals Team, November 25, 2021
These recipes are simple, hearty, delicious—and animal-friendly!
In Remembrance of Russ Kick, 1969-2021
The Rise for Animals Team, September 27, 2021
Russ was an activist with a passion and unmatched skillset for “undeleting” official secrets and government documents. We are honored to have worked alongside him.
3 Wins for Animals in Labs
Frances Chrzan, August 20, 2021
Your ongoing support helps animals in labs. Here are a few recent impacts you've made in our movement.
Animal Testing Revealed on “Cruelty Free” Cosmetics
The Rise for Animals Team, August 18, 2021
The EU’s quiet animal tests affect humane cosmetics worldwide—including the supposedly animal-friendly products you buy and use here in the US.
2020 Pandemic Silver Lining: Fewer Animals in Experiments
Amy Meyer, August 10, 2021
Recently released data from animal experimentation labs reveal the number of animals used in experiments in 2020 went down.
A close up of a monkey's paw
Emory: Strip the Honor of Robert Yerkes, Close Primate Lab
Amy Meyer, July 8, 2021
Emory University should strip the honor of Robert Yerkes by shutting down the Yerkes National Primate Research Center.
My Darling Ferret Bred by Marshall and Sold by Petco
Frances Chrzan, May 5, 2021
Every one of the eight ferrets Frances has ever rescued was bred by Marshall and sold by Petco. This is a tribute to Finnick (July 15, 2015–May 1, 2021).
We Remember Mothers Tortured in Labs
Frances Chrzan, May 4, 2021
These are nine ways mothers suffer for experiments.