Think News Articles

Ssssnakes Are Victims of Animal Research, Too
The Rise for Animals Team, July 16, 2023
Humans don’t only destroy snakes’ habitats and hunt them and their families . . . they also use them as experimental subjects.
If Animal Research Laboratories Had Glass Walls...
The Rise for Animals Team, July 12, 2023
If the average human saw animal research happening in front of them, they would oppose it. And animal researchers know this.
Fish: Unconsidered Victims of Animal Research
The Rise for Animals Team, July 5, 2023
The exploitation of fish for biomedical research has been climbing for decades, as fish – in astronomical numbers – are forced to “model” human disease and toxicity.
The Myth of the “Beast-Machine”: Animals Are Not Objects
The Rise for Animals Team, June 24, 2023
Nonhuman animals are not objects. They are living beings. And they are the same as humans in all ways that matter.
Rise for Animal Rights!
The Rise for Animals Team, June 21, 2023
This is what "Animal Rights" means to us.
Proud to Stand Together for All
The Rise for Animals Team, June 14, 2023
We fully support rights for all—human and nonhuman.
Without Speciesism, Animal Experimentation Would Not Exist
The Rise for Animals Team, June 5, 2023
Speciesism is the belief system that underpins, empowers, and defends all manners of nonhuman animal use and exploitation, including experimentation. 
It's National Hug Your Cat Day!
The Rise for Animals Team, June 4, 2023
Share this post in honor of the cats trapped in labs who cannot receive hugs today.
It's World Animal Free Research Day!
The Rise for Animals Team, May 27, 2023
Animal free research is best for all, and it will take all of us to achieve it.