
Photo of a chimpanzee looking down behind cage bars
Yet Again, NIH Resists Sending Chimps to Sanctuary
Mike Ryan, October 27, 2020
When a transfer benefits only chimps, NIH suddenly cares about welfare.
A beagle lifts her eyes up
Warning: These Pet Products Support Animal Cruelty
Amy Meyer, October 27, 2020
In pet stores across America, Marshall BioResources, one of the largest breeders of animals for torture in labs, sells Marshall Pet Products.
You're Ending Animal Experimentation. Don’t Stop Now.
Nathan Herschler, October 26, 2020
Recently, Rise for Animals announced our bold new goal: to end animal experimentation in our lifetime.
Photo of a white mouse held in human hands clad in blue latex gloves
Sabotage! Scientist kills pregnant mice to ruin experiment
The Rise for Animals Team, October 15, 2020
A disgruntled scientist squeezed the life out of seven pregnant mice. You’ll never believe what happened at a renowned teaching hospital in Boston.
Lab Hangs Animals by Their Tails for Cruel Experiments
Frances Chrzan, October 10, 2020
Brookhaven National Lab, part of the U.S. Department of Energy, suspends rodents by their tails for experiments.
Image of a young rhesus macaque, head turned over his shoulder
What Were Their Names?
Lindsay Oliver, September 1, 2020
Two monkeys were killed after being put in a cage washing machine at the Oregon National Primate Research Center.
Mama Girl, a white rat with red eyes, sits in a clean and cozy cage post-rescue
My Rat Rescue Mission
Lindsay Oliver, August 31, 2020
The "sac rack" is where animals wait to be killed after experimenters are done with them.
A small, white mouse clings to the inside of a container
First Children, Now Animals—Dead at Hospital
The Rise for Animals Team, August 24, 2020
In a Seattle hospital where bad air filtration is linked to the deaths of children, newly uncovered documents show animals are being killed too.
A baby mouse, its skin pink and translucent, curls up in a person's open palm
Baby Mice Wake Up in Frozen Body Bags
The Rise for Animals Team, August 18, 2020
When laboratory workers peered into a cage that was supposed to contain only three adult female mice—it was teaming with newborns.