2024: United in the Fight to Free Animals from Labs
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As 2024 comes to a close, our hearts are brimming with gratitude and inspiration — and it’s all thanks to you.
Together, we have fought to end animal experimentation through countless acts of empathy and compassion, and every single action — no matter its size or obscurity — has made a difference. Here’s to you, our fellow champions for justice and freedom for all, who have stood with us every single day of the year.
- We fought against animal research and demanded recognition of its victims, including cold-blooded animals, chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates, and dogs.
- We exposed the industry’s key players and took action to stop them from causing even more harm.
- We lobbied against the use of our taxpayer dollars to fund animal experimentation.
- We confronted the animal research industry in pursuit of honesty and transparency.
- We united with farmed animal allies to fight for all animals exploited by the animal industrial complex.
- We sued the USDA for failing to honor the duties it owes animals trapped in labs.
And, though our many diverse and collective efforts are too vast to list, here are some of 2024’s other incredible highlights:
- Rise joined with the Dog Research Exposed Podcast and Animal Rights Rochester to protest the country’s largest breeder of beagles (as well as pigs, cats, and ferrets) for animal research!
- Lab survivors lobbied against animal experimentation at state and federal levels!
- Animal protection groups shared a table with the animal research industry and championed transparency in animal research!
- Brave laboratory employees spoke up – again and again – against the harm of nonhuman animals in the name of science!
- Guardians of animal research survivors shared their loved one’s stories and fought for the rescue of others!
- Animal research survivor Cedric and his human guardians embarked upon a tremendous cross-country campaign to expose prominent animal research industry actors!
- Rise procured, received, and added to its open-source database thousands of records (including photographs and videos) that the animal research industry does not want us to see!
Whether you signed a petition, held up a protest sign, shared our blogs to help spread the truth, donated to our cause, or advocated against animal exploitation in any other way, you strengthened our movement to free all animals from labs.
And, we thank you wholeheartedly.
Together, let’s carry the unity and momentum we’ve built into 2025, as we continue working toward a world where all animals are free.