Think News Articles

#GivingTuesday 2022: In Honor of Helen
The Rise for Animals Team, November 28, 2022
On this day of global generosity, help us shift science away from harmful, ineffective experiments on animals and toward better, human-relevant methods instead.
Take Action for Helen: Part 6—Sentience
The Rise for Animals Team, November 16, 2022
Humans and animals are both alike and different, rendering our experimentation on non-humans wrong both practically and ethically.
Take Action for Helen: Part 5—Resistance
The Rise for Animals Team, November 9, 2022
Laboratory records are filled with determined, purposeful, and despairing acts by non-humans in resistance of their cruel fate.
No, We Shouldn’t Subject Convicted Criminals to Experiments
The Rise for Animals Team, November 3, 2022
Here are three reasons why testing on convicted criminals, prisoners, and other unwilling human participants will never be the answer to ending animal experimentation.
Take Action for Helen: Part 4—The Primate Trade
The Rise for Animals Team, November 2, 2022
Animal experimentation harms all animals, including the 4% of all mammals on Earth who remain wild.
Take Action for Helen: Part 3—Sacrificed for Nothing
The Rise for Animals Team, October 25, 2022
Non-human animal “models” have failed to translate findings to humans since the very beginning of animal experimentation.
Take Action for Helen: Part 2—Incarceration
The Rise for Animals Team, October 18, 2022
Helen became extremely ill while incarcerated at the University of Louisiana’s New Iberia Research Center.
One of Many: Dr. Oz and the Animals He Hurt
The Rise for Animals Team, October 6, 2022
Dr. Oz’s actions were not aberrational; rather, they are status quo for an industry that predicates its activities on treating sentient beings as unfeeling objects.
A Critical Crossroads for Biomedical Research
The Rise for Animals Team, September 8, 2022
The field of medical research and testing is at a critical crossroads.