Speak Up for Beagle Bills
You can help protect animals like Teddy and Ellie! Urge your elected officials to support state-level “Beagle Bills”, which provide some protections for dogs and cats bred and sold for animal research.
Speak Up Now

Tell NIH: Move Chimpanzees to Sanctuary Immediately
Tell the NIH that enriching private industry at the expense of nonhuman and human wellbeing is unacceptable, and that the M.D. Anderson chimpanzees should be moved to sanctuary at once.
Help Chimps Now

Tell Congress Cold-Blooded Animals ARE Animals
The Cold-blood Animal Research and Exhibition (CARE) Act (H.R. 9571) would amend the Animal Welfare Act's ("AWA") definition of “animal” to include cold-blooded animals. If you think cephalopods, fish, amphibians, and reptiles should have some protections under federal law, speak up now.
Act Now

Speak Up for Beagle Bills
You can help protect animals like Teddy and Ellie! Urge your elected officials to support state-level “Beagle Bills”, which provide some protections for dogs and cats bred and sold for animal research.
Speak Up Now

Demand an End to Cruel Tests on Animals at University of Washington
Send a message to the University of Washington Board of Regents demanding they stop conducting invasive research on animals, and instead opt for modern-day, evidence-based research methods that benefit humans without harming living, feeling beings.
End Cruel Tests

Protect Cephalopods from the Harms of Research
Sensitive, intelligent cephalopods (octopi, squid, and cuttlefish) can feel pain. They can—and do—suffer in experiments. These facts make it clear: the U.S. government must urgently adopt safeguards for these sentient creatures.
Protect Cephalopods

Demand an End to Torturous Primate Experiments at ASU
Arizona State University is cruelly putting monkeys in restraints, drilling screws into their skulls, implanting electrodes in their brains, and keeping them restrained for hours every day in experiments that last for years. Please take a moment to demand that ASU end these torturous experiments.
Stop Monkey Torture

Demand Inspection at Lab with History of Harming Animals
Request that the USDA perform a surprise inspection of Covance Laboratories, Inc. to check on how the staff treats the animals there.
Demand New Assessment

Demand Accountability for the Killing of 27 Monkeys at NASA
In a single day, 27 NASA primates were killed rather than being given the chance to live the rest of their lives in a sanctuary. Demand accountability for this indiscriminate killing. Ask NASA's Inspector General to investigate this waste and misconduct.
Take Action

Stop the Theft of Wild Monkeys for Use in Animal Research
Wild Mauritian monkeys are stolen from their homes and ripped from their families to be used in cruel experimentation. Urge the U.S. Ambassador to Mauritius, David Reimer, to fight for the end of this cruel and unnecessary trade in wild-caught monkeys.
Speak Up for Monkeys