
Paws Up for More Just Laws

Make your voice heard! The law is an important tool in the fight to end nonhuman animal experimentation. Urge your legislators to support laws that recognize the interests of nonhuman animals and protect them from human use and exploitation.

Federal Bills

H.R. 1085: To amend the Public Health Service Act to prohibit the NIH from awarding any support for an activity or program that uses live animals in research unless the research occurs in the US.



S. 355: To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish a process for the qualification of nonclinical testing methods to reduce and replace the use of animals in nonclinical research, improve the predictivity of nonclinical testing methods, and reduce development time for a biological product or other drug, and for other purposes.



H.B. TBD: To substantially restrict the use of animal testing for cosmetics, and for other purposes.


H.R. 1291: To amend the Public Health Service Act to ensure that nonanimal methods are prioritized, where applicable and feasible, in proposals for all research to be conducted or supported by the NIH; to provide for the establishment of the National Center for Alternatives to Animals in Research and Testing.


  • Representatives:


H.R. 1802: To end federal animal testing, redirect funding toward humane research alternatives, and ensure the adoption or sanctuary placement of animals previously used in experiments.



State Bills

House Bill 6278: Requires manufacturers and contract testing facilities to use other testing methods than animal testing when such other methods are available.



House Bill 1448: Prohibits certain research facilities from using a traditional animal test method if an alternative nonanimal test method has received certain approval or the requirement to use a traditional animal test method is waived.



Senate Bill 535: Requires each research and testing facility that uses animals in research, education, or testing to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture; establishes a State Inspector of Animal Welfare in the Department to inspect research and testing facilities.



Senate Bill 536: Prohibits research and testing facilities from using traditional animal test methods when an alternative test method has been approved or the facility has received a waiver.




Senate Bill 3457: Establishes the Promoting Ethical Testing Solutions Fund, allowing for increased funding to discover new methods of non-animal product testing, while discouraging live animal testing.



Senate Bill 1481: Requires each public institute of higher education in the Commonwealth that operates an animal testing facility to publish an annual report that includes specific information about such institution’s animal testing operations (including the total number of animals, excluding agricultural animals, used; the disposition of all animals; and the percentage of funds expended to procure, use, and maintain all animals in the past year).



House Bill 1617: Requires the Washington National Primate Research Center to publish annually on its website: (i) the number of nonhuman primates who, in the previous year were used in research, used in breeding, born, purchased or sold, co-housed or individually housed, injured or died in a manner that resulted in an animal welfare citation by the USDA, killed or died as part of research, injured or died due to causes not related to research, and/or experienced unintended illness or infection; (ii) descriptions of research using nonhuman primates; (iii) the total amount of money awarded from each source; (iv) USDA inspection reports related to animal welfare; (v) conservation efforts; and (vi) documentation of accreditation.

