It’s World Day for Animals in Labs (WDAIL)!
Observed every April 24th since 1979, this special day “has been a catalyst for the movement to end the suffering of animals in laboratories around the world and their replacement with advanced scientific non-animal techniques.”
This WDAIL, we would like to take a moment to recognize the importance of and power in supporting this commemorative event, as well as the year-round efforts to which it calls attention…
…because opposing animal experimentation stands for much more than most of us realize.
Far from *just* advocating for animal rights, supporting anti-vivisection efforts also:
- Opposes capitalistic ills to include using individuals as tools and harming workers’ psychological well-being.
- Champions social equality by attacking the very same unjust foundation upon which all forms of oppression (e.g., racism) rest.
- Exposes corporate propaganda and lies that keep the truth from us and deny us the ability to make informed decisions for ourselves, those we love, and our community at large.
- Demands a return to a democracy in which we have a say in what is done with our tax dollars.
- Pushes for improved human health through the ethical development of safe and effective drugs, chemicals, devices, and therapies.
- Supports the illegalization of all animal cruelty, regardless of where and at whose hand it occurs.
In this and other ways, anti-vivisection belongs to and should speak to all of us who want to better the world for everyone…
…and this is one reason we are so excited to announce – today! – our new “Events” page, which highlights opportunities for education and advocacy organized by and for the collective “us”!
Check out our new page to support, get involved with, and spread the word about the anti-vivisection movement (and email us with any events you would like featured)!
Today, we ask you to continue supporting (or consider supporting, if you aren’t already) the anti-vivisection movement – a beacon of social justice, equity, and peace…
…because by fighting for animal rights, we are fighting for everyone’s rights;
…and because, by opposing animal experimentation, we are beckoning a better world for all.
Discover ways to get more involved for the fight for animals’ rights: