Dogs and cats poisoned in California need you to speak up on their behalf. Please contact your Senator and urge them to support S.B. 252.
S.B. 252, the Protection of Dogs and Cats from Unnecessary Testing Act, would protect dogs and cats from being poisoned in toxicological experiments. “Toxicological experiments” refers to testing the toxicity of a drug, a pesticide, a biowarfare agent, or another type of toxin on a living organism to see what reactions there may be. It’s basically just a fancy way to say “poisoning.
In March, we asked you to contact the California Senate Judiciary Committee explaining that you support S.B. 252 and would like them to support it too. Because your voices were heard, this bill passed the Senate Judiciary and Appropriations Committees. Now, it’s going to the full California Senate for a vote.
Right now, dogs and cats are used in these experiments even though it’s not required by law. That’s why S.B. 252 is so important—because this cruelty needs to end. We support this legislation and need you to speak up again.
UPDATE: June 3, 2021
Great news for animals! California S.B. 252 passed the full Senate.