Oregon House Bill (H.B.) 3213 is poised to ban the sale of almost all animal-tested cosmetics statewide, but it needs your help to get across the finish line!
By banning most animal-tested cosmetics, this bill helps both humans and nonhumans.
Using nonhuman animals as test subjects for cosmetics is not only unethical, it’s unreliable and wholly unnecessary – human-relevant tests that are faster, cheaper, and ethical(!) are already in use. This explains why cosmetics testing is not required and why major players in the cosmetics industry itself support this and similar bills.
10 other states and 30 countries have already taken a similar step.
Oregon could become the 11th state to pass a ban on animal-tested cosmetics as early as Tuesday, June 20, 2023, when HB 3213 is expected to be up for a full Senate vote.
Oregonians, here’s your chance to help animals trapped in labs!
Please contact your state senator and urge them to support HB 3213! And, then, help spread the word!