Here’s a roundup of this week’s biggest news stories related to animal research—all the recent media coverage you need to know right now to be the most effective activist for animals in labs.
How Neuralink Keeps Dead Monkey Photos Secret
Dell Cameron & Dhruy Mehrotra, 10/4/2023
“Missing from the veterinary records released by the primate center’s staff are hundreds of photographs taken by the primate center’s staff between 2018 and 2020 of Neuralink’s test subjects. Though publicly funded, thus bound by California’s open records law, UC Davis has fought disclosure of the photographs for more than a year.”
“Internal emails reviewed by WIRED show that Neuralink . . . had tight control over what UC Davis was allowed to divulge about the experiments.”
“One researcher familiar with the photos conceded they are particularly gruesome….”
“Neuralink ended its partnership with UC Davis in September 2020, but [PCRM] claims that it continues to employ the same neurosurgeon and many of the same staff responsible for the experiments that poisoned, maimed, and ultimately killed at least 12 macaque monkeys.”
“Neuralink has brought its testing in-house–far from the prying eyes of journalists, animal welfare groups, and the jurisdiction whose records laws first shed light on its practices.” Full Story →
Simple Worms Might Experience Basic, Fear-Like Emotions
Carly Cassella, 10/2/2023
“In recent research, the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, has shown a persistent negative reaction when given a quick electric zap. For many minutes after receiving the short and sharp shock, this species continued to ‘flee’ at high speeds in the laboratory. Researchers . . . say that the long-lasting response, which looks like the worm ‘running’ away, is indicative of a fear-like brain state.”
“Recent experiments on crayfish, bumblebees, and fruit flies indicate invertebrates really do have lasting positive and negative cognitive states following specific stimuli….” Full Story →
Dog Takes ‘First Ever Steps of Freedom’ After 9 Years in Laboratory Cage
Alyce Collins, 10/4/2023
“Sidney, 9, is believed to have been born in a testing lab where he spent every day of his life, until he was rescued….”
“Sidney was used for toxicity testing, which means that doses of drugs were induced to see what levels of toxin would make him sick and react in certain ways. Sidney’s interactions with people were mostly limited to testing, feeding, and cleaning . . . During his nine years in the laboratory, Sidney had no quality of life as he spent most of his time in a small crate. As a result, he’s been left with serious trauma from his past, and understandably, he struggles to trust people.” Full Story →
Hundreds of Wild-Caught Monkeys from Indonesia Imported by USA During 2022 for Research and Toxicity Testing
Sarah Kite, 9/29/2023
“Hundreds of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) captured in the wild in Indonesia have been imported by the USA for the research and toxicity (poisoning) testing industry. This happened despite widespread global concerns about the inherent inhumanity of trapping wild monkeys and increasing awareness of the vulnerability of the Conservation status of this species.”
“Long-tailed macaques are the most widely traded non-human primate, with the USA being one of the world’s largest importers and users . . . The suffering inherent in this transportation is the result of the solitary confinement inside small transit crates; exposure to unfamiliar surroundings and loud, unfamiliar noises; and often inadequate ventilation, temperature and humidity fluctuations as well as delays en route.”
“In 2022, the US Congress passed the FDA Modernization Act which ends an outdated Food and Drug Administration mandate that requires experimental drugs to be tested on non-human animals before they can be used on people in clinical trials. The bill will allow drug sponsors the option to use alternative, humane, and human-relevant methods instead.” Full Story →
Rescued Beagles Reunite for ‘Beagleversary’ One Year After Being Freed From Breeding Facility
Sofia Schwarzwalder, 10/4/2023
“Many families who rescued Envigo beables attended with their pets . . . The dogs had a great time running around and playing, but it was also an emotional reunion, remembering how far they’ve come in the past few months. ‘Last time we saw these dogs, all they knew was life in a mass-breeding facility. They had never been in a home. They had never sat on a couch or gone on a walk….’”
“‘These beagles represent the loving homes every dog deserves, as well as the tens of thousands of dogs currently held in laboratory breeding facilities and used in painful experiments. We all have a role to play in putting a stop to the suffering of animals just like the #4000beagles.’” Full Story →
Justice for All, Great and Small
Rise for Animals, 10/4/2023
Earlier this week on World Animal Day, we reflected on the connection between love and animal rights. While we certainly believe that all animals are worthy of human love, there’s a surprising catch: you don’t actually have to love animals to support our work. At its core, the fight for animal rights is not about love. It’s about justice. Full Story →