Here’s a roundup of this week’s biggest news stories related to animal research—all the recent media coverage you need to know right now to be the most effective activist for animals in labs.

USDA Finds Malnourished, Diseased Dogs at Pet Food Testing Facility in Alabama
Savannah Tryens-Fernandes, 3/29/2024
“Investigators found malnourished and diseased dogs at an animal testing facility in Alabama, prompting the federal government to issue dozens of citations in recent years. And now state police are also investigating Blue Ridge Kennel….”
“In reports dating back to 2022, the federal agency observed malnourished dogs, dogs so overweight that it was difficult for them to stand, dogs suffering from disease without treatment, and dogs [who] came from ‘unlicensed’ and ‘unknown’ sources.” 📰 Full Story →
🔎 See more photos and videos of the dogs languishing at Blue Ridge Kennel that we exposed last year.

The Friendlist, Most Gentle Animals Are Also Some of the Most Exploited
Seth Millstein, 3/29/2024
“The friendlist, most gentle animals are some of the most beloved – but unfortunately, they’re also some of the most likely to be held captive and abused by humans for industrial purposes.”
“Guinea pigs . . . [are] gentle and curious creatures who enjoy playing with humans, and will often cuddle with their owners. Sadly, the docility of guinea pigs is one reason why they’re commonly selected as test subjects for cosmetics and medicine, a process that often inflicts unfathomable pain and suffering on them.”
“Domesticated rabbits love to play with their humans, and will get depressed if they don’t get to do so on a regular basis. They’ll often sit next to their owners on the couch, and have been known to purr contently while being pet. Like guinea pigs, rabbits are also common test subjects for scientists.”
“Humans and dogs share a relationship that’s unlike any other in nature . . . A lesser-known fact is that dogs are also commonly used as test subjects in scientific research.” 📰🎥 Full Story →

Free and Happy – Max the Beagle ‘Liberated’ by Activists from MBR Acres Near Huntingdon
John Elworthy, 3/31/2024
“Two years after ‘rescuing’ five and then months later another 18 beagles from MBR Acres near Huntingdon, activists have released the first image of one of the dogs” who “has gone on to live a full and happy life of freedom and play.”
“‘As part of the action, individuals entered the facility with a large banner reading “End Animal Testing” and filmed the conditions inside the kennels,’ . . . this was followed by the open rescues….”
“‘We know that people love dogs and would rush to help them if they were hurt, and open rescue is no different. If we love animals, we have to move forward with the kindness needed to create a world where no animals are harmed for food, experimentation, or entertainment.’” 📰 Full Story →

Notre Dame Reports 75 Lab Mice Died After Dose Doubled in Drug Research. Feds Alerted
Joseph Dits, 3/29/2024
“A total of 75 mice died in a research lab at the University of Notre Dame after research staff mistakenly doubled the dose of an experimental drug last fall….”
“Staff didn’t follow the protocols approved by an in-house committee to oversee animal care . . . As a result, 52 mice were found dead from the research interventions . . . Another 23 were euthanized because of the stress they were experiencing.” 📰 Full Story →

Beagle Owners Hope to Educate Others About Animal Testing at Research Facilities
Hannah Mackenzie, 4/4/2024
“Hansen is the founder of Dog Research Exposed, a non-profit that advocates for animals in testing and research breeding facilities. She took her efforts first to the airwaves by launching a podcast and then to the streets with a custom-wrapped RV. She, her husband, and their dogs travel the country, educating people about animal testing practices.”
“Hansen’s beagle, Cedric, was rescued from the Envigo facility. He has the letters ‘CMF CHS’ tattooed inside his ear. ‘That’s how they identify them… basically pieces of inventory,’ Hansen said. They use beagles mostly for research because they’re so sweet and docile. They won’t bite you. You can do anything to them, and they’re small, so they can fit into small cages.’”
“Hansen said she aims to use her mobile platform to urge companies to stop testing on animals, release captive animals to rescue groups and invest in technology that better aligns with the goals.” 📰🎥 Full Story →

Incredible, Intelligent Rats
Rise for Animals, 4/4/2024
Did you know? Rats can laugh, empathize, relive memories, and even plan for the future.
It is estimated that rats and mice comprise over 99% of all experimental subjects, with as many as 111,500,000 of them being exploited, brutalized, and killed in laboratories each and every year in the U.S. alone. 📰 Full Story →