Marshall-ing Community Opposition to Animal Research
Rise for Animals is proud to support grassroots groups championing justice for all animals, including those exploited in the name of science. Recently, we spotlighted the Northwest Animal Rights Network’s campaign against the University of Washington’s National Primate Center, and this Fall has seen us collaborating with Animal Rights Rochester (ARRoc) to educate the residents of upstate New York about Marshall BioResources and encourage them to get involved in animal advocacy!
Located less than an hour outside of Rochester, Marshall breeds and warehouses dogs before selling them to laboratories all around the country.
In rows of sheds aerially indistinguishable from those onsite at agricultural factory farms, Marshall uses its North Rose, New York, property to incarcerate over 20,000 beagles earmarked for lives as experimental subjects.

That’s all we really know – as Marshall hides behind private property signs and security guards and public records loopholes . . . but, fortunately, that’s all we really need to know.
Most humans would join us in opposing Marshall’s exploitation of animals if only they knew about it . . . and that’s where our partnership with ARRoc comes in.
Together, we have sought to shed some light for our fellow, empathetic humans by erecting two billboards in Rochester:

The billboards’ content doesn’t reflect our creative team’s first — or even second — choice messages which were denied approval for production, though they still reflect a triumph of our cause over the corporate, entrenched interests we’re fighting.
We were prohibited from naming Marshall or even using certain of the non-Marshall-specific language we wanted – language that expressed nothing false or misleading, just the ugly truth.
But, as all of us in the animal rights movement must do, we found a workaround, a means by which to slip free from the animal-industrial complex’s politically and financially and defensively constructed shackles. And the billboards went up!
Now, we need your help.
Your donation will help cover the costs of these billboards and future billboards, allow us to continue supporting grassroots groups fighting against animal testing, and help end animal experimentation in our lifetime. Join the fight by making your donation today:
If you’re local to upstate New York, please contact ARRoc to get involved with their important grassroots efforts.