Whistleblowers inside Marshall BioResources have had enough of silently watching over dogs who are bred, caged, and sold off for lives of torture in laboratories.
We’ve previously reported on other recent leaks of photos and video from inside Marshall, which is one of the world’s largest breeders of dogs, cats, pigs, and ferrets for the research industry. Now, new whistleblower footage from inside Marshall’s flagship location in upstate New York is available, thanks to our friends at Camp Beagle, a U.K.-based animal protection group.
Here, beagle puppies jump and vie for affection from the whistleblower’s gloved hand:
And here, the whistleblower recorded beagles in a seemingly endless row of cages:
The whistleblower photographed a young puppy who had crawled into a container of wet food and died:
And the whistleblower photographed a roomful of beagles being trained into complacency while wearing face-covering masks, which are often used in toxicity-testing experiments:
We’ve already seen how unethical, unsanitary, and uncaring Marshall BioResources is. The suffering of the 66,000 animals inside is unimaginable.
No living being deserves life dictated by humans seeking to profit off of their exploitation. No creature deserves to be born for the sole purpose of supplying an industry that relies on torture.
Take action now! Urge Wayne County, NY’s District Attorney to launch an official investigation of Marshall BioResources and charge them with cruelty to animals.
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