Think News Articles

Protecting the Puppies of the Sea
The Rise for Animals Team, November 9, 2023
Cephalopods – or octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, and nautiluses – are sentient, “smart and sensitive” aquatic beings, who researchers themselves have likened to dogs. 
Reverie, Ratties, & Racketeers
The Rise for Animals Team, November 7, 2023
Did you know that rats have imaginations? Of course you did . . . and so did scientists.
Animal Research News Roundup
The Rise for Animals Team, November 3, 2023
Here are all this week's biggest stories in animal research in one convenient place.
One Size Fits All, from A(g) to V(iv)
The Rise for Animals Team, November 3, 2023
All animal use industries — from agriculture to vivisection — use “aggressive, behind-the-scenes tactics to suppress science.”
The Scariest Truth
The Rise for Animals Team, October 31, 2023
On Halloween, and every other day of the year, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is still playing out in laboratories all around the world.
Hug Some Fleece, Share the Peace
The Rise for Animals Team, October 28, 2023
Sheep are sentient beings who matter in their own right and deserve rights of their own.
Animal Research News Roundup
The Rise for Animals Team, October 27, 2023
Here are all this week's biggest stories in animal research in one convenient place.
Proof That We Can Win Against Animal Researchers
The Rise for Animals Team, October 22, 2023
When animal experimenters sought to set up shop on public property in Alameda, CA, those opposed spoke out — and won.
News Roundup: October 20, 2023
The Rise for Animals Team, October 20, 2023
Here are all this week's biggest stories in animal research in one convenient place.