Species Spotlight

Species Spotlight: Beagles

The Rise for Animals Team, September 6, 2024

On the heels of our Marshall BioResources exposé, we thought it appropriate to highlight the awesomeness of Beagles* – amazing family companions, laboratory survivors, and so much more!


“Beagle” is thought to come from the French word “begueule”, which translates to “gaped throat”, or from the Gaelic word “beag”, which translates to “small”. 


Beagles are small scent hounds who were originally bred in England to hunt hares and rabbits alongside other dogs. Their ancestors go back thousands of years, and it is thought that “when the Romans invaded England, they brought small rabbit-hunting dogs that might have been bred with the local hounds, laying the foundation for the modern Beagle.”


Teddy and Ellie were rescued from the research industry. You can read their story here.


Acclaim and Fame:

You can help protect Beagles (and other animals!) now.

“Beagle Bills” are state legislation that provide some protections for dogs and cats bred and sold for animal research within the state. Among other items, these bills prohibit animal research breeders from selling dogs and cats if they’ve been recently cited by the USDA, and require animal research breeders and facilities to make certain dogs and cats available for adoption placement.

Take Action Now

*We’ve previously spotlighted ferrets and pigs, two other types of animals also exploited by Marshall

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