
Shut Down Marshall

We need your help in our campaign to shut down Marshall BioResources. Marshall is a puppy mill, a factory farm, and a supplier of animals for useless, barbaric experiments. Get the details and raise your voice to save animals now.
Our Principles
We may be taking on a multi-billion dollar industry, but more Americans are questioning the morality of nonhuman animal experimentation than ever before. We will end animal experimentation in our lifetime.
The truth is on our side–millions of animals are being unethically imprisoned, commodified, and brutalized by laboratories every year. And, though no human benefit could justify it, the espoused benefit of improving human welfare is, and will remain, unrealized. We scour scholarly journals and file public records requests to learn more, and we use this information to educate the public. We seek guidance from peers and advisors as we strive to ever more effectively open everyone’s eyes to the unjustifiable suffering inflicted upon nonhuman animals in labs.
When at an action or event, we never lose sight of the problem at hand and the animals we’re working to save. Stick to a consistent message: Nonhuman animals should not be used as means to human ends in experiments. Our conversations with the public and media stay rooted in our reason for taking action together.
We value learning from people who are skeptical of our mission or tactics. We treat others as we’d want to be treated, and always aim to find common ground. We view nonhuman animal experimentation as an institutional failing, and welcome former lab workers and experimenters who have come to support our mission.
We share our stories, actively listen to others, and believe strongly that progress for our movement depends on creating a climate that’s inclusive, diverse, and equitable for all.
An ongoing problem across social justice movements is that grassroots activists often “burn out” after a few months. We aim to build this movement differently, so activists feel empowered to persist for the long haul. We care about inspiring and supporting each other—fostering a collaborative environment for learning, building relationships, and creating the next generation of leaders.
The animal rights movement’s greatest achievements grew out of collaboration among like-minded organizations, who banded together to combat speciesism and spur social change. We’re committed to growing this spirit of partnership in our effort to continue realizing a more just world for humans and nonhumans alike. Whenever appropriate, we forge partnerships with other organizations— from student groups to national animal advocacy organizations—to advance our shared goals.
Some of the best ideas for campaigns come from our grassroots volunteer supporters. When developing ideas and tactics, we consider how they bring us closer to our organizational goal, grow our base of support, and develop leadership or other skills within our community. We believe our power comes from humans, utilizing creative, nonviolent tactics that complement our movement’s strategy and help us liberate nonhuman animals from human oppression.

Activist Starter Kit

Start organizing now with our free Activist Starter Kit, which includes a campaign blueprint along with everything you need to know to get media attention, target animal experiments near you, and connect with fellow activists.