It’s May 27th or, as we and our friends at Animal Free Research UK invite you to join us in celebrating, World Animal Free Research Day!
It’s a day “to look forward, renew commitment and take action to free the millions of animals killed each year in the name of science stuck in the Victorian Age”.
World Animal Free Research Day encourages us all to:
- dream of empty laboratory cages! (Heck, no laboratory cages at all!)
- envision a world in which science and ethics are two sides of the same coin.
- visualize a scientific community that prioritizes human wellness.
- conceive of a world in which all life is respected and the infliction of harm is roundly condemned.
So, really, it’s a day to imagine the end of nonhuman animal experimentation . . . and, then, to commit (or recommit!) to help end it!
Animal free research is best for all, and it will take all of us to achieve it.
The multi-billion dollar animal experimentation industry is a formidable opponent, but our footing is firm.
We stand on the side of morality – championing the end of nonhuman animal use and exploitation – and we stand on the side of true scientific progress – encouraging the development and adoption of human-relevant technologies.
This World Animal Free Research Day, resolve to stand with us.
Follow Rise for Animals to stay up-to-sate with the latest news, insights, and actions you can take to help end animal experimentation. For good. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.