Here’s a roundup of this week’s biggest news stories related to animal research—all the recent media coverage you need to know right now to be the most effective activist for animals in labs.

USDA Inspection Reveals Troubling Conditions in UAB Research Laboratories
Trinity Sparke, 3/9/2024
“According to the USDA report, instances of trauma, injury, stress, discomfort, and even death among animals were observed [at the University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB)] due to negligent handling procedures.”
“One distressing incident outlined in the report involved the thermal imaging of an animal resulting in severe burns, necessitating the amputation of digits and a tail. Additionally, a monkey had to be euthanized following an escape from its cage . . . the report shed light on inadequate veterinary care, with long-term medical conditions, including hair loss and repetitive circling behavior, going unaddressed.”
“UAB, which operates approximately 215,000 feet of animal research laboratories, holds accreditation from the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC). However, the recent findings cast doubt on the effectiveness of accreditation processes in ensuring compliance with ethical standards.” 📰 Full Story →

New Cleveland Billboards Protest Animal Testing at Local Medical Center
Brad Hamilton, 3/12/2024
“The Cleveland VA Medical Center is finding themselves at the center of a controversy big enough for a billboard or two . . . . The signage posted in two Cleveland locations is asking President Joe Biden to stop . . . the Cleveland VA Medical Center’s upcoming project involving the purchase and experimentation on seven cats for medical research.”
“‘Bad habits are hard to break and the Cleveland VA has been experimenting on dogs and cats for decades and that’s all they know.’” 📰🎥 Full Story →

Case Dismissed: Dane County Trial of Thefts From Dog Breeder Scuttled
Tony Galli, 3/12/2024
“Three animal rights activists were accused of stealing three beagles from among dozens of caged animals at Ridglan Farms near Blue Mounds in April 2017. The business’ website states Ridglan Farms has purpose-bred beagles for biomedical research.”
“Founder Rebekah Robinson of the group Dane For Dogs said her organization used the existence of the criminal case to educate people on what she said were the abhorrent practices of the facility with its beagles.” 📰🎥 Full Story →

They Breed Dogs for Experiments, But Don’t Want You to See
Rise for Animals, 3/14/2024
Why did Ridglan Farms drop its case against the rescuers of three beagles from its breeding operations? Almost certainly, Ridglan dropped prosecution because the trial would shed light on their operations — something they’d rather keep hidden from public view. 📰 Full Story →

City to Consider Ordinance to Ban Animal Testing
Vicky Nguyen, 3/12/2024
“The Alameda City government is considering a ban on animal testing on city owned property and is seeking residents’ feedback on the draft ordinance. The council will vote on the ordinance on April 16.”
“The consideration of this ordinance comes off the heels of the City Council’s rejection of a lease to biotech company Science Corporation over their use of animal experimentation, including primates, last year. City Councilmembers Trish Herrera Spencer and Malia Vella were inspired to take it a step further and ban any animal experiments on City property.”
“‘It’s not going to be reform from within,’ Davis said. ‘It’s only going to be from pressure on the outside, and I think something like Alameda doing this, it goes other people, it gives other communities the idea that they can do this, and it’s a statement of what our values are.’” 📰 Full Story →

Animal Friendships and Social Bonds Evolve Over Time As They Do with Humans
Eric Ralls, 3/8/2024
“Recent research highlights the intricate social dynamics and friendships exhibited by group-living animals, including mutual aid and cooperation.”
“Researchers found that friendships evolve over time, strengthening as individuals engage in mutual and shared experiences.” 📰 Full Story →

NSW First in World to Outlaw “Incredibly Cruel” Rodent Research Methods
Petra Stock, 3/14/24
“The Australian state of New South Wales will become the first jurisdiction in the world to outlaw two invasive medical research methods used mainly on mice and rats. Amendments to the state’s Animal Research Act – passed by the NSW Parliament on Thursday – prohibit researchers from carrying out the forced swim test or forced smoke inhalation procedures on animals.”
“The state-wide ban follows statements issued by Australia’s top medical research body – the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) – highlighting significant scientific, animal welfare and ethical concerns relating to the two tests.”
“Under the amended NSW law, a researcher using either method could face maximum fines of $3300 and/or 12 months’ imprisonment.” 📰 Full Story →