Here’s a roundup of this week’s biggest news stories related to animal research—all the recent media coverage you need to know right now to be the most effective activist for animals in labs.

Canadian Ban on Cosmetics Animal Testing and Trade Becomes Law
Cruelty Free International, 12/22/2023
“We are celebrating Canada’s ban on cosmetics animal testing and trade as it comes into effect on December 22, at the end of a decade-long campaign to stop animals suffering in the name of beauty.The law, which was part of the Budget Implementation Act (Bill C-47) passed in June 2023, bans cosmetics animal testing and also prohibits the selling of cosmetics that rely on new animal testing data to establish the product’s safety, and false or misleading labelling pertaining to the testing of cosmetics on animals.”
“‘Now we hope that the United States follows their neighbours’ lead by passing the Humane Cosmetics Act. Over one third of US residents already live in states which have their own cruelty-free cosmetics laws, and a federal law is long overdue.’” Full Story →

Chile Makes Historic Stride in Animal Rights with Ban on Cosmetic Animal Testing
BNN Correspondents, 12/21/2023
“In a momentous stride for animal rights, Chile has officiated a ban on cosmetic animal testing, in addition to the manufacture, import, and marketing of cosmetics tested on animals. This landmark decision was a result of bill 13.966-11, driven by the NGO Te Protejo, in partnership with Humane Society International (HSI).”
“The bill was unanimously approved in the Senate with a count of 27 votes in favor, zero against, with a sole abstention. The legislation has garnered extensive support not only from health authorities, organizations, and civil society but also from the national cosmetics industry. This widespread backing was evident in the collection of over 300,000 signatures in favor of the bill.” Full Story →

Rand Paul’s Annual Festivus Report: ‘Meth-head Monkeys,’ ‘Cats on a Treadmill’ and Barbie Photos
Vivek Saxena, 12/23/2023
“Every year, Sen. Rand Paul releases a ‘Festivus’ report documenting government waste, and this year is no different.”
“Researchers at the University of Mississippi Medical Center who received roughly ~12 million in government grants dosed monkeys with methamphetamine in the morning and then tracked their sleeping habits.”
“U.S. government-funded Russian scientists snipped the brain stems of cats and then forced them to walk on a treadmill.”
“Under Dr. Fauci’s tutelage, the [NIAID] wasted close to $500,000 to fund the ‘forced feminization of male rhesus macaques.’ A Florida lab reportedly ‘worked to make male lab monkeys “transgender”….’.”
“Two laboratory monkeys at the University of Minnesota were denied or given water depending on their gambling decisions . . . Funded by the NIH, the study cost U.S. taxpayers $3.7 million.”
“Previous ‘Festivus’ reports from years past included money wasted on steroid-raging hamsters, coked-out beagles, drunken mice, and horny parrots.” Full Story →

INOTIV ALERT: Bragar Eagle & Squire, P.C. is Investigating Inotiv, Inc. on Behalf of Long-Term Stockholders and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm
Business Wire, 12/26/2023
“The litigation challenges Inotiv’s claims regarding its Envigo business, which the company acquired in Sept. 2021, including that Envigo maintained ‘high standards of animal welfare’ at its Cumberland, Virginia facility and other animal testing sites.”
“According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose: (1) Envigo RMS, LLC (‘Envigo’) and Inotiv’s Cumberland, Virginia facility (the ‘Cumberland Facility’) engaged in widespread and flagrant violations of the Animal Welfare Act (‘AWA’); (2) Envigo and Inotiv’s Cumberland Facility continuously violated the AWA; (3) Envigo and Inotiv did not properly remedy issues with regards to animal welfare at the Cumberland Facility . . . When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims the investors suffered damages.” Full Story →

10 Pigs Rescued From Animal Testing Lab
Daniel Clark, 12/27/2023
“Ten pigs have been liberated from an animal testing laboratory in Colorado, animal sanctuary Heartwood Haven announced. The biomedical facility had been holding the pigs, who are all about two years old, for medical testing.”
“‘We don’t know exactly what was tested on them,’ . . . ‘But the pigs had matching scars on various parts of their bodies.’ . . . some of the pigs had their backs shaved. Several had burn scars. ‘Some even had sharpie outlines around them.’”
“In the laboratory, the pigs had ‘never been outdoors or had been in direct contact with other pigs,’ . . . ‘It took them about a week to get used to being with other pigs and learning the routine at the sanctuary, It took them about a week to rest and relax.’” Full Story →
New Findings on Animal Consciousness
Rise for Animals, 12/27/2023
We’re constantly learning that nonhuman animals are more similar to humans than the vast majority of us previously assumed, believed, hypothesized, or accepted. These findings are certainly fascinating, and we hope they will help erode the speciesist bedrock that allows for human subjugation of nonhumans. But we don’t believe that they are or should be necessary for the rejection of all forms of nonhuman exploitation. Full Story →