You love animals. You love your fellow humans. You believe in kindness and justice for all—at the expense of none. We couldn’t agree more.
June is Pride Month, so we’re taking this opportunity to share with you some LGBTQ+ animal allies. Check out these powerful activists:
Christopher Sebastian McJetters
Watch Christopher Sebastian present Queering Animal Liberation: Why Animal Rights is a Queer Issue, a broad overview of the multiple connections between animal liberation and queer liberation from an American queer Black perspective. Christopher Sebastian is staff writer at Vegan Publishers, part-time lecturer on speciesism at Columbia University, and social media manager of Peace Advocacy Network.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
Jane Velez-Mitchell is a television and social media journalist, author, and animal rights advocate. Get the latest vegan news and animal rights info from the Jane UnChained website and on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
A. Breeze Harper, PhD
Dr. A. Breeze Harper uses food and ethical consumption cultures to explore systems of oppression—namely racism and normative whiteness—in the U.S. Read her keen insights on her blog at The Sistah Vegan Project and her book, Sistah Vegan: Black Female Vegans Speak on Food, Identity, Health, and Society.
Saryta Rodríguez
Saryta Rodríguez is an author, editor, social justice advocate, and educator. Check out their first book, Until Every Animal is Free, which discusses animal liberation theory, the role of non-human animals in scientific testing, and recent efforts to put animal liberation on the public agenda.