
A Rare Peek In a Lab: Dogs. Languishing. Anguishing.

The Rise for Animals Team, December 7, 2023

Ailing animals, inadequate veterinary care, unsafe environments, mounting citations… All of these things have been unveiled in inspection photos we just uncovered from a single animal research facility. Unfortunately, the images and videos here are illustrative of the myriad ways that the overall animal research industry overall is the innocents in their care.


At left: Inspectors noted Ranger, a beagle, was remarkably thin. At right: Spring, a yellow labrador retriever, showed trouble standing and walking due to an unknown injury to her back end.

Blue Ridge Kennel, the animal testing facility exposed here, is just one of hundreds of research facilities across the country that are incarcerating animals and experimenting on their unconsenting bodies. Below, Spring, a labrador, struggles to overcome an unknown injury as she slowly moves to greet an inspector:

Inspectors also documented the obvious malnourishment of Ranger, a beagle whose backbones and ribs were protruding beneath his fur:

Inspectors documented dog, after dog, after dog with rotting teeth:

Further documented were the unsafe, unclean conditions where these dogs were being held:

Sadly, all of the images and videos here are illustrative of the failings of the overall animal research industry.

Each animal in a lab is an individual who thinks and who feels. And each one is being exploited to fuel an industry with an astronomical rate of failure to translate research into health benefits for people.

The good news? You can help animals in labs right now.

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