
5 Places Increasing the Number of Dogs in Cruel Experiments

Frances Chrzan, January 9, 2019

Animal testing is opposed by the general public and animal protection organizations have been working for years to eliminate this accepted form of cruelty. Many efforts have been successful, but animal testing still occurs and, in some cases, is increasing.

The bad news is that since 2015, some facilities have significantly increased the number of dogs used in cruel experiments. The following 5 facilities have increased the number of dogs in their possession the most in the past two years:


1. Covance Laboratories, Inc.—almost 12% increase

  • This Wisconsin-based facility had 4,214 dogs in 2015. By 2017, Covance increased that number by almost 500 dogs and reported having 4,710 dogs at the facility.

2. Elanco Animal Health—facility adds dog tests

  • Elanco Animal Health, in Indiana, reported having no dogs in either 2015 or 2016. However, by 2017, Elanco acquired 578 dogs to use in medical experiments.

3. Lincoln Memorial University—629 more dogs in experiments since 2015

  • This Tennessee university had 56 dogs in 2015. In 2016, the university increased that number to 191 dogs, and by 2017, it had a total of 685 dogs. In two years, it gained 629 dogs to use in experiments.

4. Charles River Laboratories, Inc.—3,131 more dogs in experiments since 2015

  • Charles River Labs, in Massachusetts, has steadily increased, by 3,131, the number of dogs in its possession since 2015.

  • In 2015, Charles River had 1,388 dogs. In 2016, it reported an increase to having 3,233 dogs. By 2017, Charles River had a total of 4,519 dogs available for experimentation.

5. The University of Massachusetts Medical School—biggest increase of dogs suffering in a lab

  • The University of Massachusetts Medical School had the most drastic increase from 2015 to 2017 compared to the almost 400 other U.S. facilities.

  • It increased its number of dogs by 3,265 in two years. The medical school had no dogs in 2015, reported having 1,574 in 2016, and by 2017, had 3,256. (See the report they filed below.)


You and I both know there’s a better way—for both animals and science.

It’s time to call on these entities to reconsider their increased use of dogs in experimentation. American public opinion is squarely against lethal experiments on dogs, and Federal law obligates many animal experimenters to work to reduce the number of animals they use in experiments. These facilities are not working toward that goal.

Thanks to supporters like you, we are able to continue monitoring facilities like these, to ensure they follow the law, ultimately phasing out cruel experiments done to dogs. Please join our email list to stay up to date with ways you can help animals trapped in labs. Simply add your first name and email address on the Stay Connected form below. Thank you!