Thank You for Giving Flakita a New Life
The moment our rescue team spotted Flakita, we could see she was suffering. Her pelvis, leg, and sciatic nerve suffered traumatic injury. We don’t know what happened to her and why the vet school didn’t treat her obvious debilitating injuries. With every step, she limped in pain. The fur on top of her foot was worn away, the skin rubbed raw, and her nails filed to the quick from dragging her flailing leg as she moved. Doctors told us Flakita’s leg had to be amputated.
Thanks to supporters like you, Flakita got the medical attention she needed. You have given her a life free from pain.

Save More Dogs

Now, can you take one simple action to save more dogs from a painful life trapped in a laboratory? Tell Petco to cut ties with one of the largest breeders of dogs for the animal experimentation industry—Marshall BioResources.