Discover News Articles

Photo of an organ-on-a-chip, a microfluidic device chip that simulates a human organ
Replacing Animal Testing Through Technology
Nathan Herschler, November 10, 2020
With your support, we’re fueling the brightest minds to find more effective cures for all—at the expense of none.
A chuckwalla angles her head towards the viewer
Climate Change Research that Hurts Animals
Amy Meyer, April 22, 2020
This Earth Day, we demand better research for the future of our planet.
A medical-gloved hand reaches toward a timid mouse perched atop a metal cage
BREAKING: Rep. Roybal-Allard Demands NIH “Count and Reduce”
The NEAVS Team, September 11, 2019
Despite the fact that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) claims it’s working to reduce the number of animals used in the experiments it funds, it’s also true that th
A macaque, open-mouthed, looks through cage wiring
Scholarly Journals Can Help Stop Abusive Primate Research
Mike Ryan, September 11, 2019
As of 2019, over 70 top scholarly journals will seemingly publish any research on primates, without considering the inherent ethical concerns.
A guinea pig looks as if it it smiling as it stands in green grass
Five Books that Changed Us
The NEAVS Team, July 9, 2019
Looking for a great book to read this summer? We asked our team of grassroots activists and policy experts to share the books that inspired their passion to end animal su
A green eyed cat looking directly into the camera
NEAVS Complaint Prompts Investigation of University of Utah
Amy Meyer, May 30, 2019
We filed a Federal Complaint Urging an Immediate Suspension of Animal Research at the University of Utah. Find out why they’re under scrutiny.
Image of a macaque monkey, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, against a lush green background
Win! California’s “Lab Gag” Bill Won’t Become Law
Mike Ryan, May 2, 2019
Thanks to you, a bill to keep animal abuse records secret was just stopped.
Something Exciting is Coming
Nathan Herschler, March 8, 2019
Picture this: Tech giants, major foundations, and other investors fund new companies focused on replacing animal research
A close-up of a chimpanzee's brown eyes peering at the reader
Our Primate Testing Expert to Wired: Ethics Matter
Mike Ryan, March 5, 2019
Did you catch “Monkeys With Superpower Eyes Could Help Cure Color Blindness” recently published in Wired?