Call Petco HQ

Take Action Now
Call 858-453-7845, ext. 223145 to leave a voicemail for Karyn Peterson, Petco’s VP of Customer Insights, Marketing Analytics, and Customer Service.
(See Step Two below for a pre-written message you can leave on Karyn’s voicemail.)
Feel free to use this script we’ve prepared for you!
Hi, my name is ___. I am calling with a concern about product offerings at Petco. I’ve noticed Petco sells merchandise made by Marshall Pet Products and ferrets bred by Marshall BioResources. I am appalled Petco sells these animals and products while claiming to care about the health and wellness of the animals we all love. Are you willing to remove these ferrets and Marshall Pet Products from Petco’s shelves?
Marshall is one of the largest breeders of dogs and ferrets destined for animal experiments. Really horrible things happen to these animals—unnecessary painful surgeries, purposeful infection with diseases, psychological torture. I’m part of a growing movement working to shut down Marshall to prevent animals from meeting a cruel fate.
You can visit for more information on how Petco’s support is propping up a company that’s making monkey off of animal cruelty. Please keep me informed of your decision to pull these ferrets and products from your stores. My phone number is _____. Thank you.